Leadership is a journey of growth and development and all leaders face tough challenges and have hurdles to overcome in order to maintain the best level of performance. I am a trusted companion to senior leaders, executive directors and Board members who are committed to their own development. Through one-to-one leadership coaching sessions and shadow coaching I provide a confidential sounding board and enable the shifts in mindset and behaviour they require to stay ahead.
One-to-One Leadership Coaching
One-to-one Leadership Coaching that Fast-tracks Your Success
My Approach To Personalised Leadership Coaching
My approach to coaching is:
“As a result of the coaching I have greater self awareness and am a far more effective leader which enables me to have a bigger impact on my organisation worldwide. My engagement with staff across the globe and my ability to drive cultural change have improved significantly. Sue is undoubtedly the most capable coach I have worked with and I have recommended her to several colleagues.”
Kevin Hill, Head of Global Engineering, Astra Zeneca.
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On March 2nd I was due to deliver the final part of a programme with a team in Riyadh. A few days before I was due to go the team leader contacted me and asked me to check whether my…

Are You Future Fit? Life- changing Tips On Innovating & Future Foresight For Business Leaders
During this crisis a good question you might reflect on is What does the future require of business leaders and how can I ensure I am fit for it? As a leadership coach and a former leader of my own…

Does Stress Exist Outside the Western World?
What are the factors that help to alleviate stress in your life? Are there any parallels with what I discovered in South East Asia?