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About Me

My purpose as a coach is to enable individuals, leaders, teams and
organisations to thrive in a VUCA world.


I use the word ‘partner’ deliberately because I find the best way to enable my clients to realise their desired outcomes is to treat it as a partnership rather than a transactional client/supplier relationship. This means we are jointly committed to delivering on the shared purpose of our work together.

Here is some information about me to help you decide whether I am the right partner for you.

I bring together twenty years’ experience of business leadership; advanced leadership and team coaching skills; agile leadership and enterprise qualifications and the latest thinking on organisation transformation.

Why Partner with Sue Coyne for Leadership Coaching and Development?

I bring together twenty years of business experience with the latest thinking on leadership and advanced coaching skills and qualifications. My approach is to see you not just as a leader in an organisation but as a whole person who wants success in all aspects of your life. We partner to create the conditions you need to be at your best.

My Leadership Journey

I have personally made the shift from expert (in marketing and market research) to effective leader and then to Executive Team and Board member. I was not only involved in leading a business for 20 years but also operated at Board level as a strategic market research consultant in blue chip organisations.

I pieced together my own leadership development programme through reading and attending courses which took a lot of time and effort. I understand that nowadays leaders are time poor and need time effective access to the right support and skills development. To view/download a copy of My Personal History in PDF you can click here

“Sue combines an understanding of the pressures involved in senior leadership with a style that is engaging, insightful and affirmative”
Janet Soo Chung, CEO, NHS Lancashire

Social skills

Social skills rest on a person’s ability to engage with other people. Those with good social skills often have wide networks, are good at managing relationships, at leading teams and at leading others through change. Their ability to be sociable often in an informal way could be mistaken for lack of focus and drive in the workplace. However, the emotionally intelligent leader is aware that their forging of alliances will ultimately have a pay back and a positive outcome for the business.

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Benefit from my 30 years as a business leader and leadership coach to become a more sustainably effective leader right away

Accomplishments I am Proud of

During the last five years of my business career I led a Management Buy-out and obtained Venture Capital funding. We delivered on the ambitious growth plan and by the time we sold the company it was ranked in the Top 10 of UK market research agencies. Like many women I juggled my career with having children. One of my greatest pleasures now is spending time with my now adult children.

My Coaching Biography

When the business was sold in 2002, I combined my passions for leadership and helping others to realise their potential by training as an executive coach. In 2010 I trained to coach leadership teams as I recognised the growing importance of collective leadership and high value creating teams. I have over 3,000 hours of coaching experience, advanced qualifications in executive and leadership team coaching and am accredited as a professionally certified coach (PCC) by the International Coach Federation (ICF). As a coach I have been honoured to walk alongside numerous leaders in many different organisations as they progress along their individual and collective leadership journeys.

My approach to coaching

Real – it is applied to real situations and includes real time coaching
Integrated – treats each leader as a whole being and expects them to bring all of themselves to the coaching journey and works with the team as well as the individuals
Systemic – situates leadership in the context of the wider system and its impact on key stakeholders
Expectations – includes a measurement process that tracks desired changes and outcomes to ensure a return on expectations for the individual or team, their key stakeholders and their organisation


My signature strengths are a love of learning and curiosity so it won’t surprise you to hear that I continually study the latest thinking on leadership and organisations. For the last few years, I have been adding agile leadership and enterprise coaching credentials into the mix.